Apartment Complex Liquidated Damages
August 2022
Florida Consumer Lawyers brought a lawsuit under Florida's Consumer Collections Protection Act (FCCPA) against a corporate landlord attempting to charge a tenant a liquidated damages fee upon moving out at the end of the lease. The lease contained a provision requiring the tenant to give the landlord 60 days written notice if they were going to move out at the end of the lease. The tenant only gave 55 day's notice and the landlord charged them a liquidated damages fee that was equal to an extra month of rent. Florida Consumer Lawyers discovered the landlord did not send the proper legal notice to the tenant prior to charging them for liquidated damages. The landlord settled the case and the tenant received and the tenant received $2,000 in damages. From consultation to the settlement, the case was completed in 60 days.
Practice area(s): Landlord / Tenant
Court: Florida State Court