A came across this article from Fox Business this morning entitled "Concerns over foreclosure increase after forbearance ends 'wildly overblow' expert says." Upon first glance it appears like another speculative piece. It cites some quotes from some guy at RealtyTrac to make it seem official. But upon closer inspection you'll see that this article isn't news at all. It isn't even an opinion piece. It is a paid advertisement by a mortgage broker looking to get refi and/or new sale business. Reading the article again and even more closely it is cleverly written and basically is really saying that don't worry about foreclosures just refinance with us. Of course it doesn't take into account a homeowner's real concerns when refinancing, such as employment, household income, and credit score. Another issue that has flown under the radar is that many forbearance plans don't allow for payoffs or refinancing while in the forbearance due to the special exceptions that were made on the payoff numbers. Thus, many homeowners in forbearance will need to come out of forbearance in order to qualify for a refinance of their home. If they cannot keep up their payments once out of forbearance they will fall behind. Once they fall behind will they still qualify for a refinance? Ultimately, I believe the answer to that question in NO. The refinance market is for consumers that are current on their mortgage. If you are coming out of forbearance and cannot afford your mortgage you should be looking into loan modifications and talking to our real estate lawyers about the value of your home versus the amount due on the mortgage. If you are going to look into a refinance you can do that while we work to protect your property. The last thing you want to do is wait around for a mortgage broker to tell you that you need more income to refinance nothing while your house moves closer to foreclosure. Don't forget, if you're not current coming out of forbearance then your payoff numbers will continue to increase significantly and your equity will dry up quickly. Don't waste time and don't get your news from advertisers like Fox Business.
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