A federal judge blocked a key provision to Florida's new property insurance law which prohibits roofing contractors from advertising. The judge wrote "“It is also clear that the threatened injuries to plaintiff from banning plaintiff's truthful commercial speech outweighs the state's interest in preventing fraud, protecting consumers from exploitation, and stabilizing the insurance market.” The judge was right to block this law and the hypocrisy of the Governor and state legislature's to ill conceived attempt to prevent Floridians from exercising their 1st Amendment rights to free speech under the United States Constitution shouldn't be lost on anyone. The Governor and legislature claim they are fighting "fraud." Sure, there is some fraud out there, but the greatest fraud (by a long shot) is the fraud the insurance companies perpetrate on Florida's citizens with their high rates, poor follow up, and denial of legitimate claims all while they take billions of dollars out of our pockets every year. Then again we know Florida's Governor and legislature are firmly ion the pockets of big insurance and have no interest in the public's welfare.