When shopping for a new car, one trick the car dealers always use is to get you to sign a consent form allowing them to run a credit check. They say they do this so they can get you in to a good rate. But the real reason they do it is because they know if they run a credit check you will be less likely to continue shopping for better deals at other dealerships. Studies show that most people will be less likely to continue shopping in fear of having their credit pulled too many times which has a negative impact on credit scores. Next time you are in this situation simply refuse to let them pull your credit. When the salesperson pressures you about finding and locking in the best rates just tell him to give you a quote assuming an average credit score. This will accomplish a few things for you. First, refusing to allow your credit to be pulled allows you to maintain strength in your negotiating position because it keeps your options open. Second, it allows you to see what the rate and monthly payment would be for the average credit score allowing you to see just how much money you'll actually save if you have good credit. Third, the salesperson will know that you the games and will be more likely to bring their best offer to the table. Car dealerships have bad reputations for a reason so protect yourself and do not trade-in negotiating power for convenience.